Thursday, May 3, 2012

Brick Red- Benjamin Moore- 2084-10

Brick Red- Benjamin Moore- 2084-10

By: Andres Valenzuela

Structure made out of brick:
red, old, weakened.
Still standing in the rain
covering a city ruined.
It looks like it's going to fall.

Fire and bullets,
nowhere to go,
Smoke up the clouds
Fading away slow, abundant.

A structure that looks like clay,
in the presence of blood,
guns and green vehicles
and innocent, just like him.
It looks like it's going to fall.

As the windows tear down,
the front door is almost gone,
the dust expands everywhere,
it is the most unique.

Running people,
the look in their faces,
the storm making them weak.
But no matter what you feel,
It looks like it's going to fall.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Where I´m From

I am from cup of coffee,
from Juan Valdez and Colcafé

I am from the building 
besides the park
surrounded by
brick and cement 
I am from the orchid, 
the Gachala Emerald 
whose color is as 
blue as its sea.

I am from sitting at the table
and old guys. 
From Amelia and Luis
and the Saieh's.
I am from screaming and shouting 
and laughing
(almost shouting)
as a big, huge family.

I am from do as I say
and stop the noise.
From church on Sundays,
the silence of mass, 
the prayers memorized
repeated over and over again, 
at church, bed
and the dinner table

I am from Barranquilla, 
from the land Palestine
farms in the outsides of the city, 
and memories kept. 
From rice and Labneh
eaten every Saturday 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

All War is Deception



Ships That Pass in the Night- by Paul Laurence Dunbar

War is Kind- by Stephen Crane

The War Works Hard- By Dunya Mikhail

Grass- by Carl Sandburg

The War After the War- Debora Greger

I Hear an Army- James Joyce

Before the Deployment- Jehanne Dubrow

Memorial Day of the War Dead- Yehuda Amichai

Friday, March 23, 2012

What happens when people fear what they do not understand?

          “Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason”- Abraham J. Heschel. Since the Civil Rights Movement ended in 1964, racism should have ended there, but it has not, and this case is a perfect example of racism in the present day. When you read about this incident, you are going to see how people are still insecure about other people that aren't their race or religion, and how racial profiling can affect you and others although you aren't a racist. Although many years have passed--and will keep passing--racial profiling, or using skin color as evidence for suspicion, has happened; is happening and will keep happening.

          This event is about Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida. He was a normal black teen who was walking down the street with a hoodie on his head when he suddenly got shot by a man who claims his actions to be self-defense. He was returning home after buying candy and was unarmed so he was harmless. This case has been viewed by many people as racism and they are asking for the government to put Zimmerman in jail, which is something that has not been achieved. Various protests and memorials have been held to remember Trayvon Martin and to put Mr. Zimmerman in jail, including an online petition that has got over 850,000 signs.

          In this situation you can see two things: prejudice and injustice. The prejudice is the George Zimmerman looking at a black man walking down the street and assuming he is threatening because of his skin color and how he wore his clothes, in this case a shirt with a hood. The injustice is obviously killing the innocent teen walking which would later lead to the controversy. Prejudice can lead to injustice because prejudice assumes things that are not correct, which will make the person who made the prejudice do the wrong decision about the prejudiced, for example in the case of Trayvon Martin who got killed.

          After many people saw this terrible incident, it was followed by some good things those people were doing, like the protests in New York. The responsibility the individuals have to protect the innocent is to protect them and let there voice be heard. Those who have the power to help the innocent should help and let more people know about it so they can help too. Like the protest, the petition to put Mr. Zimmerman in jail has already reached 850,000, and it is a perfect example of how the whole community is helping the family by imprisoning George Zimmerman for killing their child.

          What happens when people fear what they do not understand is that they tried to avoid it or just make it disappear. What people fear of is something that they don't have control over or that thing controls them. If you fear something you don't want it in your way, or you don't want it to harm you although it might be harmless. In this case, George Zimmerman supposedly feared about Trayvon Martin and that he might have been a criminal, so he shot him--although the police told him not to--and killed him to protect himself by the "threat".Self-defense isn't a valid reason, though, to kill a innocent person who looked a little suspicious.

          Gender stereotypes can influence people's behavior in a big way, for example in the situation of George Zimmerman. If Mr. Zimmerman would not have been influenced by this type of stereotype, he would have just keep walking and ignored Trayvon Martin. Since he was influenced by it, he had the mentality black men are supposed to be dangerous when they are alone walking down the street with a hood on, he was threatening, so he shot him. So although he killed the innocent and harmless teen the unfairness didn't end there; he has not yet been imprisoned. Gender stereotypes like this happen all over the world influencing people, for example not letting Muslim people in a plain because they look threatening or just a white person thinking they are better than an African-American because of the color of the skin, they are all not true.

          So although racial discrimination should have ended decades ago, it hasn't, and a innocent person has been killed because of this reason. His name was Trayvon Martin, and he was just walking down the street when suddenly a man decides to shoot him because he assumes that Martin was dangerous by the way he looked, when he actually wasn't. He was unarmed and harmful, and he didn't deserve to die, and although the cops told him no to follow or shoot him, he did. Racial profiling is still one of the world's biggest problems because we are still vulnerable and exposed to this kind of people. Protests and petitions had been held to take the murder to prison and justice is now reviewing the case. The whole country is hoping to make this possible and to not let anything this absurd happen again.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Chapter 8 Wordly Wise

One of the most bizarre things just happened in Maycomb county. It snowed, before even winter even started! Since this is a very rare event, Jem and I decided to go build a snowman, before time elapsed and the snow disappeared. We started by collecting some mud because there was not enough snow, and then we would cover the pile with the snow. Our plan was to build a snowman which looked just like Mr. Avery, and we had to be very meticulous with it to make it look identical. We did this making his torso a little round to make it look fat and his arms very thin. As soon as we finished we looked at it, and we were surprised how similar it looked. When our Atticus saw it, he laughed but then he told us we shouldn't be doing things like that. It didn't seem like a calamity to me, but he didn't like it being that way, so what he did was that he took Ms.Maudie's hat to make it look different.

After it finished snowing in the afternoon something terrible happened. Ms. Maudie's house was caught on fire. Everyone was there watching the house burn and they all conspired by taking the most valuable furniture outside is it wouldn't burn. The top of the house assimilated the fire very quickly, and was soon to be gone with the rest of the house. Everyone sweltered outside by the horrific fire and soon the house was burned to ashes. We stared at it until the fire was over, and what was left was a black hole on the ground.

When everything was over, I figured out somebody had placed a blanket over me. When Atticus came to ask me about it, I didn't know what to answer because I was so confused. Nobody knew who had put it there, until Jem realized it had been Boo Radley. As soon as he brought the idea I almost threw up, just thinking about the idea that he stood right there next to gave me nausea. After that, Atticus told Jim and I to not tell anyone about what just happened with the blanket.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Secret Life of Bees letter from Lily

Dear father,

            Its me, your daughter. I hope you remember me from the last time you have seen me--20 years actually-- and time has elapsed very fast that I have so many things to tell you. First of all, I got married with the person I love the most in my life, Zachary. He is one of the best lawyers in town and is--as you call it-- "negro". We married 5 years ago and we have lived happy since then. I know it might be bizarre to you that your white child married a black person but that is just how things are and I don't want to go back.

            You and I know perfectly that if I would have married Zachary in South Carolina, it would have been a calamity and he might even get apprehended, so we decided to move to the north, New York to be exact. People here are very pleasant and most of the time everybody is equal, so we're accepted for who we are no matter the color. As I told you before, Zachary has a very stable job being a lawyer and they pay him very well, while I am an author and we live very adequately and happy.

            Father in this letter I also wanted to talk a little more about myself. My career as an author has been great. People often lionize me because of the books that I had made, and I think about you when I make them. Most of my books are about the past, all the shackles I had when a was a kid, and I am very meticulous when I write. I pay attention to everything I write, I try to remember every single detail, and sometimes I interrogate Zachary to help me remember.

            I know that in your point of view, it is a great dissension all the things I did in my life, but I am really happy and I wanted to inform you that, but it still isn't enough. I've always wanted to be raised by my two parents, but it hasn't been possible because of the anarchy that happened when I was young; well I want to take that back and be with you for the rest of your life. To conspire with you would be great for both of us and we would live happy--or at least try--for the rest of your life. I am sure you would assimilate here with our family and be with us happy. Also, I just wanted to tell you that you are going to swelter here a little bit because of the weather, but you will be fine from all the heat that you have taken from your hard work in South Carolina.

            My husband and I have been thinking of how to live with you--if you want--and where. We were thinking of going back to South Carolina since desegregation has already happened and we can live together, but we are doing such a good job we thought maybe you wanted to move here, to New York City. It would be a really pleasant experience to have you in our home and to reunite as a family. The only thing I hope would happen is that you don't arraign Zachary as soon as you see him but instead you be with him peacefully as a whole family.  Dad, I hope you do receive this letter and please write us back to know what you think about this whole idea.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

(23)24 of December

It was 23 of December and today´s plan was to have a family reunion with all my cousins, aunts, and uncles at my grandmother´s house. It was a little strange to me because this big family reunions were always on the 24, but this year they decided to do it on the 23. Later I would have discovered that on the actual 24 we had another reunion on my uncles´s house, but we always opened the Christmas presents on my grandmother´s house on the 24 at night. Anyway, that day we all got together and had a very big dinner with all my family members and I really liked it because we were all together. When we all finished eating we all went to the living room and opened our Christmas presents. We all decided that since everybody was there, we should open the gifts there and not wait until tomorrow. I was against that decision because it was a tradition for me to do it on the 24, but I couldn't do anything about it. Anyway, I had a great time.

Welcome Home

     Many people say that Friday is the best day of the week, and I agree with that. It was December 16, 2011, a Friday, and it was the day that I was going back to Colombia for my winter vacations. I had been waiting for this day for six months now, and time has past incredibly fast, luckily. My flight was scheduled to go at 9:18 and land 1 hour later, and it did. When I arrived at Barranquilla´s airport, my grandmother and my 30-year-old cousin were waiting desperately to pick us up and go home. When we all got out of immigration and got our bags, we all met outside. We were all happy, especially my mom who hadn't seen her mom in six months. When we got home to my grandmother´s apartment, we were welcomed by my cousins and aunts, and they made us a very good dinner.